Showing posts with label foxes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foxes. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Fantastic Mr. Foxes!

Yowza!  It has been quite a long time since I last posted. So very sorry about my absence these past few months folks, but I have been trying to crank out a Master's degree before having my own little French Fry any day now.  It has been quite the whirlwind, but onto the foxy fun!

I wanted to share one of my favorite projects my art kiddos have created in the past few weeks.  As a fan of all things foxes, Roald Dahl, and Wes Anderson, I have been on a major fox kick this year.  Is anyone else a HUGE fan of Fantastic Mr. Fox?  The book and movie get me every time!

My second graders created some fantastic fox collages after reading Nonny Hogrogian's One Fine Day. 

We even spent some time making literacy connections, as I had the students work with a buddy after reading the story and write out a one sentence moral of the story.  I got winning answers like:

- Be kind to others.
- Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- (And my fave) Be nice to foxes...and other animals!

My students drew their foxes in pencil first on colored construction paper.  Then, each table was given a palette of primary colors and a tint of white to paint in their foxes like a puzzle.  I encouraged students to add lines and designs onto their foxes as a final painting touch.

Next class, students outlined each little piece with a black oil pastel, cut and glued their foxes onto black construction paper.

I've been on a major painted paper kick this year and hoarded a crazy amount of paper scraps which have come in handy during many a project.  I decided to have my students create their own frames from painted paper before finishing their masterpieces.

I've got a soft spot for this five legged little foxy friend!

Hopefully I'll be able to get a few more posts going before the arrival of little French Fry.  But until next time, keep being foxy!

Friday, December 6, 2013

What Does the Fox Say?

If you haven't seen The Fox by Ylvis, you should probably get out of your den and check it out.  This video went viral back in September and features the Ylvis brothers, a young comedic Norwegian team who writes poppy, parodic ballads.  I'm not gonna lie, the first time I heard the song, I was OBSESSED.  It is catchy, fun to dance to (as much as an uncoordinated art teacher can), and the music video absolutely rocks.  Just wait until you get to the part with the fox who scats at the end (scats as in jazz singing, not the animal dropping type of scat...just thought I'd clarify).

Foxes have become the "it" animal of the fashion world.  Owls were SOOO last year.  I have seen foxes pop up on everything lately, even my tissues boxes!

How cute is this sweater dress one of my students donned during our fox art lesson?

I was bitten by the fox bug and was struggling to find inspiration for a fox art lesson all over Pinterest, but to no avail. So, I combined some of my favorite art materials and techniques and came up with a lesson plan.

  • black construction paper
  • white construction paper
  • rust, white, and black oil pastels for the fox
  • pencils
  • oil pastels
  • scissors
  • glue
  • tempera paint
  • painter's tape
  • black paint
  • cardboard pieces
We spent about 2-3 60 minute art classes on this lesson.  I introduced this project by reading aloud One Fine Day by Nonny Hogrogian.  This Caldecott-winning book from the 1970's features gorgeous illustrations to retell an Armenian folktale.  My students were enchanted by the illustrations.

Check out some of these foxy little guys below, though there is one BIG rule while doing this project.  You MUST play "The Fox" by Ylvis while the little artists are working.  The kids were so darn happy while making their masterpieces.

Love this one with the little fox den in the background.