Sunday, October 27, 2013

Positive vs. Negative Space.

I am always on the hunt for fun and new inspirational images and I stumbled across this awesome poster on by the artist Joel Henriques, a young father who is part inventor, part artist, and unafraid of color.

Henriques' work is a great example of line design and positive and negative space, something I cover with my 3rd graders.  So, here's how I started the lesson...

I pulled up the image on my Promethean Board (I know, how lucky am I to have an interactive board!), and asked one of my classes for feedback.  We've been practicing using ART SMART vocabulary during class, so I got a lot of thoughtful responses about the colors, lines, texture, etc.  

Then, I asked, "Look at the way Mr. Henriques uses the space in his picture.  Does anyone want to make an art guess as to where the positive and negative space is in Henriques' image?"  And then this happened...

3rd grade boy's hand shot up into the air (and keep in mind this is a kid who usually peaces out during a majority of art instruction)...

"I think that negative space is when someone is not listening and making bad choices like being in someone's personal space, like talking in their face.  Positive space is pretty much the opposite of that."

Not sure that's what Joel Henriques intended with his bicycle image, but man, what a great conversation starter.

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